Monday, October 18, 2010

Taking Small Steps Leads to Success

I have always been intrigued by what leads people to success and how do they remain successful? Is success a state of mind or an approach to life? Are certain people more apt to reach their goals than others? What are the keys to success?

1. Intrinsic Motivation: Successful people are internally motivated. They collect and process information before making decisions. They are good listeners and ask good questions. They are always learning and applying this information. They are motivated to reach their goals and create a solid plan to reach them. The more intrinsic ( internal) the motivation, the greater the result. Feeling or experiencing pleasure helps to support the effort.

2. Taking Small Steps: Success comes to those who take small steps. They also strive for S.M.A.R.T. goals ( Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-Bound). Small steps produces long-term changes that lead to long-term success. Small steps are easy to manage and monitor. This build self-confidence and self-esteeem that helps support the effort.

3. Small Questions: Help reduce fear. Reducing the size of the project or challenge helps to lower the fear factor and fear of failure. Spotting mistakes when they are small are easier to correct.
Avoid multi-tasking. The human brain can only process one thought at a time. We think that we are accomplishing twice as much in less time, but actually, we are accomplishing half the amount.

4. Ask Questions: This leads to information. It keeps the brain in learning mode. It helps to build new neural pathways.

5. Repitition Build Brain Power: Research suggests that building and even more importantly, maintaining success, is directly correlated to repetitive stimulus. Also known as "mind- sculpting"- repeating small steps over time helps the brain to shift when managing stress or facing a difficult challenge.

6. Find Joy and Passion in the Process: Enjoy and savor the steps as you create and build on your goals. Writing or journaling about the process reinforces success.

7. Identify your "harsh voice" and give it a name. Soon you wll be able to recognize it and separate from it. The sooner the logical part of your brain gets on board - the sooner you can get past any resistance which has prevented you from reaching your goals.

8. Visualize your Success. A marathon run (26.2 miles) is easier to run if you break it down to 26 by 1 mile efforts! Feed your brain the right food and it will feed you the right information.