Sunday, January 31, 2010

Keys To Longevity

Aging is a combination of genetic predisposition (DNA) and environmental and lifestyle factors.
New research is shedding light on powerful and life-changing ways to slow down and possibly reverse the aging process. Diet ( specifically polyphenols from plant sources) and exercise are proving to be the key that may unlock the longevity mystery.

The following information was extracted from The Longevity Factor ( Joseph Maroon,M.D.)

Aging Facts: ( Rates of decline vary depending on DNA, demographics, gender and environmental factors)
- Heart: Heart walls thicken, gradually losing pumping effectiveness. Max oxygen consumption during exercise declines w/ each decade of adult life ( approx. 10% in men and 7.5% in women).

- Arteries: Cholesterol and calcium buildup, causing arterial thickening and stiffness. Decrease in elasticity and the narrowing of the arteries lead to high blood pressure.

- Lungs: Maximum breathing capacity declines approx. 40% between ages 20-70.

- Brain: A gradual decrease in the number of brain cells leads to selective impairment ( especially in memory).

- Body fat: Body fat gradually increases until middle age, stabilizing until late life when body weight tends to decline.

- Muscles: Between ages 30-70 muscle mass declines approx. 20-25%. Metabolic function also slows down 3% per year after the age of 35. ( Aerobic and strength training slows and can even reverse this rate of loss).

-Bone: Bone density and mineral loss lead to osteopenia and osteoporosis in both men and women.

Sight and Hearing: Declines begin in 40's and declines appear greater in men than women.

Why Do We Age?

1. Error Theory:
- Looks at the build up of free radicals, which can be neutralized by anti- oxidants.
- Repetitive damage to DNA of mitochondrial cells ( energy powerhouse of the body).
- Cellular deterioration leads to cancer and inflammatory diseases such as Alzheimer's.
- Over time cells simply begin to function poorly and wear out.

2. Programming Theory:
- Involves loss of organ function at a specific rate as we age.
- Loss of immune function.
- Mental stress and depression weaken immune function.
- Repetitive DNA sequences ( telomeres) at the end of chromosomes fray and get shorter.

Research Findings:
- Plant chemicals found in Xeno Factors help to repair DNA, help defense against free radicals,
help enhance immune response, remove defective proteins and mutated cells and detoxification of harmful chemicals.

Xeno Factors:
Activate specific mechanisms within cells, help to control inflammation, regulate cell survival, repair cells and prevent cell death.
- Xeno factors are powerful anti-oxidants which can enhance immune and endocrine function.

- Polyphenols are very abundant anti-oxidants which promote various gene activating mechanisms.
- They give the red to red wine, dark brown to chocolate and green to green tea.
- Other great sources: grapes, apples, onions, soy, peanuts, berries, and green vegetables are loaded with polyphenols.


Found in stressed red grapes is a powerful polyphenol that is playing a major role in the anti-aging revolution.

Human studies are on going. Animal studies have provided the following findings:
- Helps maintain metabolic function and body weight.
- Increases the number of energy-producing mitochondria in muscle cells.
- Increase aerobic capacity.
- Maintain cell sensitivity, moderating blood sugar levels.
- Enhances muscle strength and reduces muscle fatigue.
- No adverse effects on liver.

Human Studies: Reservatrol ( xeno factors)
Increases number of energy-producing mitochondria and improve tissue repair following exercise, which leads to greater endurance and better recovery, hence greater fitness!

- May help in reducing the decline in memory, reaction-time and processing of information.


- Can in increase glucose absorption in liver, fat and muscle cells differently than insulin, potentially sparing the pancreas.

- Decrease insulin resistance, enhancing glucose absorption and stabilizing weight.

- Polyphenols act also as potent anti-inflammatories by neutralizing free-radicals and thus reducing the reliance on drugs.

Cardio Protection:

- Reduce free-radicals through anti-oxidant effects.

- Reduce inflammation naturally.

- Help as a vasodialator ( widening the arteries and blood vessels).

- Helps with anti-platelet activity reducing the risk of blood clotting.

Anti-Cancer Effect:

- Helps with all 3 stages of cancer

1. Initiation: Free-radicals attack the cells mitochondria and DNA.

2. Promotion: Actively dividing precancerous cells accumulate and enlarge, which is enhanced by inflammation at the site but also throughout the body. This is where cancer is most curable.

3. Progression: Final and most deadly stage. Growth factors enhance the tumor's survival.

Reservatrol and Possible Benefits:

Anti-inflammatory effects which inhibit initial DNA mutations.

- Self destruction of cancer cells through a process called apoptosis.

Inhibit tumor angiogenesis ( formation of new blood vessels).

- Inhibition of cancer cells including those found in the lungs, prostate, colon, liver and skin, and in leukemias.

Stroke Prevention:

- Xeno factors help prevent atherosclerosis and clot function within blood vessels plus their effects as an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory should contribute to a reduction in strokes.

Alzheimer's Disease:

- Cardiovascular disease is a major risk factor for AD ( hypoxia - reduced oxygen to the brain).
Hypoxia activates a gene called BACE 1 which produces amyloid-beta plaques common in AD brains.

- Reservatrol blocks production of free-radicals that destroy brain cell's mitochondria and DNA and facilitate removal of toxic amyloid-beta plaques




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