Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Exercise: Boost the Immune System and Protect against Chronic Disease

1. New research data reveals that not only does exercise help to reduce stress, improve metabolic function and thus help manage bodyweight, facilitate better sleep, increase energy and improve brain function, it can boost the body's immune system ( increasing the circulation of natural killer cells that not only fight off viruses and bacteria but can impact the development and proliferation of cancer cells). This also has profound affects on aging - perhaps slowing the aging of the bodies cells and helping to maintain immune function which has a compounding effect over time.

2. Regular exercise can combat the ongoing assault on cells, tissues and organs that underlies many chronic conditions. Exercise can lower blood pressure, reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol, while increasing HDL (good) cholesterol and reduce the incidence of Type 2 diabetes. Although it is important to note that "over-training" can have harmful affects on the immune system and thus make one vulnerable to the development of certain cancers and degenerative diseases.

Medical experts claim that inactivity poses as great a health risk as smoking, contributing to heart disease, hypertension, cancer, diabetes, depression, arthritis and osteoporosis. Exercise can be as simple as a brisk 30-45 minute walk performed at least 5 times per week. Adding more vigorous aerobic activity combined with strength training ( 2-3 x per week) is optimal. Even men and women with low body fat who are inactive are at a higher risk of disease and compromised health. So while reducing obesity is a significant goal, the more important message is to get moving and enjoy physical activity.

3. Other studies have found that regular exercise can reduce mortality and the risk of recurrent breast cancer by approximately 50%. The studies suggest that outcome could be due to exercise's ability to lower estrogen.

4. Exercise can lower the risk of colon cancer by over 60% and new research indicates that it reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease by approximately 40%.

5. Researchers are making great progress in exploring the true anti-aging benefits of exercise. Bio-genetic research is examining whether exercise actually lengthens telomeres, the strands of DNA at the tips of chromosomes. When telomeres shorten, cells can no longer divide and thus become inactive, a process associated with aging, cancer and a higher risk of death.

6. Following and adhering to, a regular exercise regimen, can decrease depression as effectively as Prozac or behavioral therapy. It is thought that elevating the bodies endorphins and increasing blood and oxygen to the brain can re-balance the brain's biochemistry and thus impact our moods and perceptions.

7. It is never too late to start exercising. It impacts all ages and all levels of fitness and health.
Join a health club, hire a personal trainer or find a workout partner who can help motivate you and keep you accountable. As the Nike saying goes: " Just Do It".


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