Friday, January 8, 2010

The Mayo Clinic : Habits To Make, Habits To Break

1. Add Five Habits:

-Eat 5-6 small measl each day.
- Eat a healthy breakfast.
- Have protein at each meal.
- Eat at least 3-4 servings of vegetables and fruits each day.
- Eat whole grains.
- Eat healthy fats, such as olive oil, avocado, and nuts.
- Exercise 30-60 minutes each day. Combine aerobic and strength training.
- Hydrate each day.

2. Break Five Habits:

- Don't watch TV while eating, spend no more time watching TV than you do exercising.
- Avoid refined sugars and carbs.
- Eat no snacks except vegetables and fruits.
- Limit your consumption of red meat and low-fat dairy that you eat ( choose only organic and grass-fed sources).
- When eating out avoid eating bread and high-calorie desserts.

3. Add Five Bonus Habits:

Keep a food journal.
- Keep an exercise journal.
Build up your workouts and challenge yourself
- Set goals that are smart, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound.


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